Queensland's economy is booming. Yet, as our state gets richer,

thousands of Queenslanders are struggling with the rising cost of living.

Rent hikes are pushing homes out of reach,

and community services across Queensland are experiencing unprecedented demand.

Let's balance the books.

The Make Queensland Fair campaign is a coalition of community service sector organisations who want to end Queensland’s cost-of-living crisis.

In the past few years, these organisations have been experiencing unprecedented levels of demand for food, housing and other services, often from Queenslanders who have never needed help before.

In a state like Queensland, which last year recorded the highest budget surplus of any Australian state or territory, ever, this is unfathomable.

We have enough wealth for every Queenslander to have a fair share – let’s get it to those Queenslanders who need it most.

We’ve been campaigning for months now, and we know politicians are listening.

There’s still so much to be done, and we need your support. ​ Sign up for campaign updates and add your voice to our calls for real cost-of-living relief.​

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“The most vulnerable in our communities continue to feel the unwavering pressure of the cost-of-living crisis. Before this state election we need a commitment from both parties to address the financial and housing insecurities faced by Queenslanders.”

Kevin Mercer

CEO, St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland

“Never has the need in our community been so great. We are seeing mothers struggling to pay for baby formula. Families are using payday lending to buy groceries. Both sides of politics need to commit to continuous cost-of-living help for the Queenslanders who need it the most.”

Natasha Rae

CEO, Relationships Australia QLD

“Regional Queensland is now the least affordable place to rent in Australia. In some areas, households are spending up to and over 80 per cent of their total household income on rent.”

Sue Cooke

CEO, Anglicare Southern Queensland

“We are seeing an unprecedented number of Queenslanders pushed below the poverty line, needing more support for complex social, health and legal needs. As we approach the election, it’s crucial that both sides of politics commit to deliver for Queenslanders who are struggling financially.”

Shane Duffy


“We are experiencing record-high demand for help with emergency bill and food relief. Rent is the biggest cost-of-living expense for Central Queenslanders. It’s crucial, ahead of the state election, that all sides of politics meet the soaring demand for help in our community.”

Carol Godwin

CEO, Anglicare Central Queensland

“We urge all sides of politics to commit to investing in essential services and programs that lift up families and protect their rights, safety and connection, so children can thrive.”

Mena Waller

State Director, 54 reasons

“Every Queenslander deserves a fair go. It’s important that we work together to prioritise care for those who are in need. We need both sides of politics to commit to better support for those who are really struggling.”

Kevin Griffiths

CEO, Carinity

“With Queensland’s booming budget no one should be forced to go without the necessities. A fair Queensland means all families have equal access to food security, stable housing, education and quality healthcare.”

Katrina Lines

CEO, Act for Kids

“This election we need to see a commitment from all sides of politics to continue to drive down the cost-of-living. The pressure on households and the growing cohort of vulnerable people across Queensland needs long term solutions and Meals on Wheels continues to step up and play our role.”

Evan Hill

CEO, Meals on Wheels Queensland

“Despite Queensland having record levels of mortgage stress, and the nation’s highest number of bankruptcies (per capita) and small business failures, the state has failed to adequately fund the free and independent financial counselling service that is needed to support those who are struggling the most.”

Jon O'Mally

Executive Office, Financial Counsellors' Association of Queensland

“Queensland has the strongest economy in the nation, yet community services are seeing more and more working Queenslanders struggling to afford the basics. No Queenslander should be hungry, homeless or unable to access medical care. All Queenslanders deserve a share of the state’s prosperity. We need to Make Queensland Fair.”

Aimee McVeigh


“Ensuring that every child has access to food, education, and a safe environment isn’t about politics – it’s a fundamental human right. It’s time we make a long-term commitment to the wellbeing of our children and families, based on their inherent rights to safety and security, not the sway of political agendas.”

Liz Colahan

CEO, Anglicare North Queensland

“The Y Queensland is helping to deliver a record number of free breakfasts into Queensland schools. Never has this support been so needed by the community. We need governments to remain committed to helping Queenslanders struggling in this cost-of-living crisis.”

Damien Foley

CEO, The Y Queensland

“When the cost of living rises, so does the cost of volunteering – resulting in fewer people being able to afford to volunteer. This puts our already overloaded community services under even more pressure.”

Jane Hedger

CEO, Volunteering Queensland

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