Privacy Policy

Make Queensland Fair is an advocacy campaign operated by the Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS).

QCOSS is committed to protecting the privacy and rights of individuals in relation to their personal information.

QCOSS complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles and takes reasonable steps to implement practices and procedures that will ensure compliance with Australian privacy laws.

Collection of personal and sensitive information

QCOSS collects personal and sensitive information that is reasonably necessary or directly related to, the performance of our services or activities. Reasons for collecting this information include:

  • To process your membership with QCOSS
  • To register your attendance at an event/workshop or for reimbursement of expenditure. This could include your contact details and financial information such as credit card or bank account details
  • For the purpose of sending information regarding the advocacy and activities that QCOSS is involved in. We may also send you information regarding upcoming events, forums or training activities that may be of interest.
  • To perform assessment against eligibility criteria for grant and/or scholarship applications
  • To participate in research QCOSS may be undertaking. An individual’s personal and sensitive information will be de-identified and reporting aggregated
  • To improve our services, for instance via the collection of information about how members respond to our emails and how many take action through our website.

The specific types of personal and sensitive information QCOSS may collect and hold includes the following:

Personal Information: name, contact details, date of birth, financial details for payment of services and/or refunds
Sensitive Information: racial or ethnic origin.

What are the purposes for which we collect and hold personal information

We collect personal information reasonably necessary to conduct one or more of our activities or services. We will explain the purpose at the time we collect the information or as soon as practicable afterwards.

Security of personal information

QCOSS will take all reasonable steps to protect against the loss, misuse and/or alternation of the information under its control including through appropriate physical and electronic security strategies. Only authorised QCOSS personnel are provided with access to personal information.

Accuracy of personal information

QCOSS will take all reasonable steps to ensure that any personal information collected is accurate, complete and up to date.

If you believe that the information we hold is inaccurate or out of date, you can contact QCOSS and we will update the relevant information accordingly.

Use of personal information

Personal information will not be used for any other purpose without your consent, unless QCOSS is required by law to disclose that information.

We won’t sell, trade or exchange your information without permission being provided by the individual.

QCOSS will not pass on personal information to any other organisation, with some exceptions:

  • where required for financial transactions (eg. to verify credit cards);
  • in certain circumstances, QCOSS may disclose personal information to third party service providers (such as IT service providers) who assist us to administer our operations, or
  • where the information to be passed on was collected for the purpose of passing that information on, or is required by law.

From time to time, QCOSS participates in research projects, events or engages with external partners that may require the release of personal information to a third party. We will inform you if this happens and you can opt out at any time by contacting QCOSS.

For research projects QCOSS ensures that the release of information is in accordance with any instructions provided by academic ethical clearance committees; and is relevant to furthering QCOSS’s strategic vision and goals.

Refusal to provide personal information and opting out of providing personal information

If you do not provide us with the information requested or provide us with incomplete or incorrect information, we may not be able to provide our services to you.

You may opt out of any or all of our communications at any time. In order to opt out you need to contact QCOSS.

Remain anonymous/use of a pseudonym

It is your choice to provide your personal information to us. Wherever it is lawful and practicable, you have the option not to identify yourself or to use a pseudonym when interacting with us. You can remain anonymous when using some parts of the QCOSS website or sites administered by QCOSS.

If you do not provide us with the information requested or provides us with incomplete or incorrect information, we may not be able to provide our services to you.

Accessing information

This information may be requested by contacting the Executive Director, Corporate Services in writing and we will make your information available within 30 days of the receipt of the request.

Under the Australian Privacy Principles, we can refuse a request of personal information. If we do refuse a request, we will provide the individual with a written notice that sets out the reason (unless it would be unreasonable to do so).

Privacy complaints

If you wish to make an enquiry about your personal information at QCOSS or make a complaint because you believe we may have breached the privacy code that applies to us, please contact the Executive Director, Corporate Services at [email protected] or telephone 07 3004 6900.

Every effort will be made to resolve a complaint around privacy quickly and effectively as soon as QCOSS has been made aware of that complaint.